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How Do You Know If Your Breast Implants Need to Be Replaced?

After you have breast augmentation surgery, replacing the implants is most likely not on your mind. Dr. Philpott does advise his patients, though, that there may be a time when you need a second surgery to replace the implants. Although implants do last for quite some time, they don’t last forever. Some women also experience rare complications that require the implants to be replaced.

How Long Do Breast Implants Last?

As with many things in life, breast implants do have a limited lifetime. The good news is that breast implants are designed to last for approximately ten years or longer. Once the implants reach the end of their lifetime, they should be replaced.

Top 4 Reasons Why Women Replace Their Breast Implants

Women decide to change their breast implants for various reasons, but there are four common situations in which women decide to have their implants removed and replaced.


Complications from breast implants are rare, but they do occur. The implant may rupture or deflate. Capsular contracture is another complication. Scar tissue develops around the implant, and this normally helps to hold the implant in place. In cases of capsular contracture, though, a larger amount of scar tissue forms around the implant causing the area to feel hard. The scar tissue may also place pressure on the implant and increase the likelihood of a leak or rupture. The condition may also cause an abnormal shape to the implant.

Physical Changes

Given that breast implants last up to ten years or longer, your body may go through changes during that time. If you get pregnant or gain weight, the skin around the implant may stretch. This may result in the implant not being held in position, and you may experience sagging. Additionally, your implant size may need to be changed to accommodate the changes to your skin elasticity. In these cases, Dr. Philpott may recommend a breast implant replacement with a breast lift.

Evolving Body Image and Lifestyle

Many women have an evolving body image and lifestyle. They may start with larger or smaller implants and later decide that they want to change the shape, style, volume, and projection profile of their implants. This may be due to a career change, starting a family, divorce, and other life experiences. Women who find themselves more in the public eye also often decide to change out their breast implants with a secondary procedure.

Improper Placement

Entrusting your breast augmentation to an experienced plastic surgeon reduces the likelihood of improper breast implant placement. Dr. Philpott meets with many women, though, who are dissatisfied with the results of their breast augmentation procedures by other plastic surgeons. Dr. Philpott may recommend replacing the implants as part of a secondary breast enhancement procedure.

Signs of Breast Implant Complications

Breast implant complications can have long-lasting effects on your health, so it’s important to recognize the signs of these complications. Here are some of the most common symptoms that are related to breast implant complications.

  • Changes to the feel or position of the implants and breast tissue
  • Breast tenderness
  • Discomfort or loss of sensation
  • Physical symptoms, such as fatigue, trouble concentrating, mood changes, headaches, rashes, and muscle aches

Is It Time to Replace Your Implants?

If you are considering replacing your breast implants or have symptoms of complications, contact us to schedule a consultation. Dr. Ethan M. Philpott of The Body Sculpting Center is a board-certified plastic surgeon who can help.

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