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5 Common Misconceptions About Liposuction

Liposuction is often the first procedure that comes to mind when people discuss effective ways to reduce body fat. However, discussions around liposuction are often filled with misconceptions. In fact, some of the most commonly touted benefits (and risks) of liposuction are completely false! Here are some of the most frequent misconceptions spread about liposuction, debunked by plastic surgeons.

Fat Comes Back After Liposuction

Liposuction is “permanent”, because suctioning out fat cells will prevent them from coming back. However, liposuction cannot prevent weight gain and fat accumulation in the treatment area. If patients fail to maintain a healthy diet and exercise on a regular basis, it’s possible that weight gain will cause the re-accumulation of fat in the treatment area. Fortunately, patients who commit to a healthy lifestyle after liposuction can expect their results to last for many years.

Liposuction Can Eliminate Cellulite

Liposuction is not an effective treatment for cellulite because cellulite isn’t a normal pocket of fat. Cellulite is caused by subcutaneous tissue that forms bands beneath the skin, creating the appearance of dimples and wrinkles we call cellulite. Liposuction only removes fat, and is unable to release the subcutaneous tissue responsible for causing cellulite. While liposuction may bring minor improvements to cellulite, it is not an effective cellulite treatment on its own.

Liposuction Can Remove Belly Fat

Liposuction is a highly effective treatment for removing fat in all areas of the body – including the arms, legs, abdomen, buttocks and more. However, it only targets subcutaneous fat, which is located in between the skin and the muscle. Some of the fat in the belly is located beneath the muscle, and is known as visceral or intra-abdominal fat. This fat cannot be removed with liposuction, and can only be addressed through diet and exercise. So while liposuction can be used in the belly, it is not appropriate for all types of belly fat.

Liposuction Requires No Downtime

Like any surgery, liposuction does require a recovery period due to the stress it places on the body. Patients can expect soreness, swelling and bruising in and around the treatment area. Due to these side effects, patients are advised to take at least a few days off of work and other activities to allow the body to heal. While patients can resume most activities within a week of treatment, expect to abstain from exercise and other strenuous activities for at least 4-6 weeks after liposuction.

Liposuction is a Weight Loss Treatment

Liposuction is a fat reduction treatment, which is often confused with weight loss. While patients often lose 2 to 5 pounds due to the effects of liposuction, it’s not intended to be used for weight loss. Instead, liposuction is best for candidates who are within 30% of their ideal weight and are struggling to eliminate the last few pockets of fat. Liposuction is not an alternative to healthy weight loss.

Liposuction Carries a High Risk of Complications

Surgical procedures are perfectly safe and effective when performed by an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon. Liposuction is no different! A surgeon with liposuction experience can minimize the risks of surgery by using the latest treatment techniques and technologies. Furthermore, understanding your treatment goals and health history will further assist a surgeon in administering a safe and successful liposuction procedure.

If you are considering liposuction, contact us today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Philpott, a board-certified plastic surgeon serving the communities of Arizona.

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